June Meeting via Zoom featuring speaker Shelly Molaschi
MSWIT members…
Mark your calendar now for our June MSWIT meeting via ZOOM scheduled at 4:30 pm on Tuesday, June 23! Hopefully this will be the final virtual meeting but we are planning a more formal meeting format this month with a great motivational/educational speaker!
After President Martha Martinez provides us with updates on tourism related issues and any other items on the agenda, we will be privileged to have our speaker, Shelly Molaschi, an Image and Wardrobe Consultant. Here's a message from Shelly…
We all want a reason to start getting dressed again.
- Have some clothes, shoes, jewelry ready to show the group. A piece you have always loved but just don't know how to style.
- Should you keep or let go of that jacket/dress/suit?
- What is your favorite, go-to piece of clothing in your closet? Show Shelly and find out how to use that favorite piece to create your brand.
If you have any announcements you would like to make or questions, please send an email to bobbimannino@gmail.com and ask to be on the agenda so we can unmute your audio at the appropriate time.
Hopefully we will be allowed to get back to having a "real" meeting come July 28!
In the meantime, we look forward to seeing as many of you as possible on June 23. And…BTW…since 4:30 pm can be considered cocktail time…adult beverages are encouraged!
Here is the link to access the June 23 4:30 pm Zoom Meeting:
Topic: MSWIT ZOOM Meeting
Time: Jun 23, 2020 04:30 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
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